Bruce came to paddleboarding in 2012, when Olympic goal medalist Duff Gibson (Skeleton, 2008) invited him to join a 100km charity paddle. Bruce bought an inflatable board, popped it in the lake behind his house, and has never looked back. Later that same summer he paddled from Vancouver to Victoria, and created the award-winning film, The Questions We Ask.
In the years since, he has continued to push the limits of what is considered possible in wilderness SUP adventure. Along with long-time paddling partner Norm Hann, the pair have rounded Cape Scott, Brooks Penninsula and Cape Caution. In 2022 they completed the first known crossing of Hecate Strait by paddleboard.
Today, Bruce trains with legendary Canadian coach Larry Cain, and is a member of the Starboard Dream Team, contributing to the design of revolutionary expedition boards, including the Sprint Expedition.